Evaluation of the Blogging Challenge What post did I find most interesting? The post that I found most interesting is the post by Carson about Deep Sea Creatures. How often do I visit others blogs and comment? I visit other blogs only during Sunday evenings but I don’t usually write comments. I make comments only where there is an activity related to commenting or if they have interesting topics that I like. What did I learn during the Blogging Challenge? I learned many things during the blogging challenge such as:
I visit it several times during the week to see if my blog or my friends’ blogs are there or to comment on others. What is the most important thing I learned during the blogging challenge? The most important thing I learned is how to comment properly and how to research and give attribution to facts and pictures. The 2017 Student Blogging Challenge is fun and challenging. It helps students learn how to make blogs and posts them on the web. It also helps students come together in the internet to socialize safely and meet new friends. The Blogging Challenge is also a fun way to interact with students around the world.
1 Comment
Evaluation of the Blogging Challenge How many Blog posts did I make?
I made 30 post during this year 2017 Blogging Challenge. It was kind of hard making some of those posts such as the HTML inserting and the Java script embedding. How many comments did I receive from students and teachers overseas? In all, I received 19 comments from both teachers and students from different countries. They sent me interesting and nice comments saying that my post was nice and that they thank me for introducing new things such as facts and applications such as Biteable. Which of my post received the most number of comments? The post which received the most number of comments was my post on the topic about “Child labor”. I think it was because the topic that I had chosen for the post was very interesting and sad reality. Child labor is also a very large problem happening in the whole world and I think that many people want to do something about it. Which blog post did you enjoy writing and why did you enjoy it? The post that I enjoyed writing the most is about the “History of Airplanes” for Week 9. I enjoyed writing about it because I have a large interest about planes ever since I was 5 or 6 until now. The research about the facts for the post gave me more knowledge about airplanes and how they had evolved from propeller to jet. How many Widgets do you have? Is it too many or to less? In all, I have only two widgets. The two widgets that I have is the revolver globe which was introduce by Ms. W in the student blogging challenge website. The next one is the Flag counter which counts how many people visit my blog and what country they are from. I think that I already have enough widgets for my blog page. How many overseas students do you have in your blogroll? I have three overseas student in my blogroll. Their names are Austin, Carson and Cristian. One of my favorites is Carson’s blog. I made a post about Carson’s blog which was about animals that live in the deep. Which web tools did you use to show creativity to your blog? The two web tools are Biteable and Slideshow Maker. I use these two tools to make videos such as the video for the “History of Planes” and “Commenting Guidelines”. I prefer to use Biteable because it is much easier to use to make videos. I can also recommend PowToon for those who want to add more animation in their videos. Did you change blog themes at all and why? I have chosen the theme which is aircraft and I still haven’t changed it. I didn’t change it because I really like planes and I want to keep looking at the picture of it. The theme was a P51 Mustang. How many were school based, your own interests or set by the challenge? For the posts based on school, I did 3 posts. For posts related to my interests, I did a total of 10 posts. For the posts which were set by the Blogging Challenge, I did 17 posts. In all I made 30 posts for the 2017 Student Blogging Challenge. Evaluation from my aunt 1. What were your first impression of this blog?
2. What captured your attention?
3. What distracted you on the blog?
4. What suggestions can you give me to improve my blog?
THE MYSTERIES OF THE DEEP From Carson's Blog Image Credits: Image 1; Image 2; Image 3; Image 4; Image 5; Image 6: Image 7; Image 8; Image 9; Image 10; Image 11; Image 12 I like the post that Carson made about creatures that live beneath the Challenger Deep area – the deepest known point in the Earth's seabed. I am most interested about the animals that I have never heard before such as the Frilled Shark, Atlantic Wolf Fish Pair and the Six Gilled Shark. I like the part where Carson mentioned the Giant Spider Crab because I have seen a BBC documentary before and I saw that it fed on the carcass of a dead Sperm whale. It was also interesting that the crab can live up to 100 years old. I never knew that before.
I like going back to Carson’s post because it has interesting facts about deep sea creatures like the giant Japanese Spider crab which is 3.7 meters long. I am wondering how much they weigh or whether they can be eaten and how to cook them in a pot. I also wonder what the tube worms eat since he did not mention it in his blog. Due to my interest, I also did some research about animals that live in the deep. I learned that different kind of sharks can dive only at certain depths in the ocean. There are sharks that can live only within the sunlit areas or Euphotic zones. This zone is up to 660 feet deep. Some examples of sharks that live in the Euphotic zones are Gray Nurse shark, Bull shark, Great Hammerhead shark, Whale shark, Galapagos shark and Salmon shark. Another group of sharks can dive up to the Twilight or Disphotic Zone. This zone is from 660 down to 3,300 ft. Some examples of shark that can dive up to this zone are the Tiger shark, Blue shark, Great White shark, Goblin shark, Greenland shark and the Pacific Sleeper shark. The deepest zone that a shark can dive is the Midnight or the Aphotic zone. This is the depth lower than 3,300 feet. Some examples of shark that can dive up to this level are the Filled shark that can dive up to a depth of 4,200 feet. The only known shark that can dive up to maximum depths of 12,100 feet is the Portuguese Dogfish shark. I wonder how it can overcome the very high pressure down there. Here are some of the links to Carson’s other post. http://carsonlgms24.edublogs.org/2017/11/16/my-school-schedule-for-sixth-grade/ http://carsonlgms24.edublogs.org/2017/11/14/what-we-are-doing/ Source: Sharkpedia Slideshow 3 on Biteable.
Image 1: Awesome Stories Image 2: Wikipedia Image 3: Wikipedia
Image 4: Wikipedia Image 5: Wikipedia Image 6: Space.com Image 7: Space.com Image 8: Wikipedia Image 9: Wikipedia Image 10: Wikipedia Image 11: Wikipedia Image 12: Business Insider A BRIEF HISTORY OF AIRPLANESToday, I will write about a topic I like the most - airplanes! When I was 2 and 1/2 years old, my mom bought me the book “Wheels and Wings”. Since then, I began to love airplanes and tried to read a lot about their development. Do you wonder how planes evolved from the beginning till today? The first powered aircraft was invented by Wilbur and Orville Wright in 1903 in a bicycle shop in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. It was called the ‘‘Wright Flyer’’. This glider aircraft flew only 59 seconds and was difficult to control. The next notable aircraft invented was the “Fokker Spin” in 1910. It was built by a Dutch engineer named Anthony Fokker. After his success, he founded an aircraft factory and began developing planes for the German Army. This started the development of war planes such as the Wright Model D of the US Army in 1912 and the Sopwith Strutter of the British RAF in 1914. What about passenger airplanes? The world’s first passenger airplane using a winged aircraft is the Airboat Line which began flying between St. Petersburg and Tampa, Florida in 1914. The sea plane was made of wood, fabric and wire and did not have wind shield. It flew not more than 50 feet above the water so passengers had to deal with strong wind and water spraying on their faces. Do you know that the first and only passenger of this aircraft on its first flight paid $400 at that time which is equivalent to $10,000 today? For the next flights, the airfare was only $5 per person and tickets were immediately sold out 16 weeks before the scheduled flight. Between 1920 and 1930, big progress was made in the field of aviation. One of the most successful airplane design in this period is the Douglas DC-3. It was the first airliner to be profitable carrying passengers and started the era of passenger airline service that we have today. After World War II, there was great progress in airline service since many pilots and aircrafts were available from the military for passenger airlines. From mostly propeller aircrafts, the development of passenger jet planes started in 1952 with a jetliner called “de Havilland DH 106 Comet”. It was the world’s first commercial jetliner. Beginning in 1960, more efficient engines have become available and Concorde started the first supersonic passenger service. Supersonic means the airplane is travelling faster than the speed of sound. In later years, the use of powerful computers, global positioning system and satellite communication have significantly improved airplane capabilities. In June 21, 2004, “SpaceShipOne” became the first aircraft to make a spaceflight making it possible for very rich people to travel into space. The development of airplanes have gone a long way since Wright brothers invented the first air craft in a bicycle shop. In the future, I expect that people can buy tickets to travel to the moon or Mars. The movies I have been watching are slowly becoming a reality! About COMMENTING Image Credit: Google What have you enjoyed about commenting?
I enjoyed telling people how nice their blog was which encouraged them to continue blogging. I also enjoyed helping them add more stuff to their posts. Commenting allowed me to share my thoughts with others and get to interact with other bloggers like me around the world. What is annoying about commenting? Some posts are too long and not well written with many grammatical mistakes which annoys me sometimes. How have you found interesting posts to comment on? I have found many blogs on #17stubc students blogs such as Alicia’s Blog, Chae’s Blog and Enrique’s Blog. Their blogs have many interesting topics which got my attention. Are your posts getting lots of quality comments? Why or why not? Recently, I have been receiving many new comments for my post on Child Labor. I think it is because child labor is a very big problem going on in the world.
Great Comment Starters
Information Source
For those who are new to blogging, here is a slideshow of some great comment starters in order for you to connect with other bloggers. I hope this will be useful.
Flipboard Magazine Posts Why The Avengers are Better than The Justice league?
BaderBunch Post This post attracted my attention because I am also Avenger fan. Here is the comment that I wrote to Enrique (BaderBunch): Dear Enrique, I like the post that you made about who was better: Avengers or Justice League?. In my opinion, I think that the Avengers are better than the Justice League because like you said, the Justice League have many weaknesses but the Avengers only have little. My favorite Avenger is Captain America. What’s your favorite and why do you like him or her? Regards, Vince The Best Candy Ever Made Chae's Post Here are my comments to Chae's post: Dear Chae, I really like the post that you made about candy because I am also fond of eating candies. I don’t really know about some of the candies that you showed in your post but I do know Reese, M&Ms, Mentos and Gummy Bears. These are some of my favorites: M&Ms, Mentos, Kit Kat and Sugus. What are your favorites and why do you like them? Regards, Vince After School Alicia's post Dear Alicia, Your post about what you’re going to do once you leave school was very interesting. Once I leave school, I want to be an entrepreneur and manage a business of my own. Like you, I also do enjoy Math and Science. What else do you enjoy and what else do you want to do when you grow up? I also wrote a blog post on this topic. Please feel free to visit and let me know about your comments: http://ww2aircraftofamerica.weebly.com/blog/week-5-lets-talk-school4731184 Regards, Vince Child Labor
Image 1: Google, Image 2: Google, Image 3: Wikimedia, Image 4: Google,
Image 5: Google, Image 6: Google, Image 7: Google, Image 8: Wikimedia, Image 9: Google
From my slideshow, you have seen how many children cannot enjoy their childhood because they are forced into child labor. Let me share with you the causes of child labor and possible solutions to this big problem.
Some of the causes of child labor are (i) poverty; (ii) huge demand for unskilled workers such as children; (iii) early marriage; and (iv) cost of education. Most children who are victims of child labor are poor. They have to work so that they can earn to support their family in buying basic needs such as food. Another cause of child labor is the demand for unskilled workers such as in construction sites, factories, and serving food at restaurants. Children working in these places are paid less but good enough to help in the income of the family. Another cause of child labor is early marriage. Early marriage is common in most countries and religions. Early marriage makes the child go into child labor and work to support his or her family. Another cause of child labor is the cost of education. Most schools are expensive and many poor families can’t afford to send their children to schools. The parents will choose their children to work rather than go to school so that they can eat. What do you think are the solutions to this big global problem? First possible solution is by providing free education to children. With this, poor parents can take this chance to send their children to school. If many children are in school, then, the use of child labor will decrease. Another possible solution is awareness to parents that sending their children to work is harmful to their children's future and is not legal. Creating a demand for skilled and trained workers will also disqualify children from working. Thus, it will reduce child labor. There may be more solutions that you can think of. I will be happy to hear your suggestions. Source of Information: https://www.importantindia.com/25558/child-labour-meaning-causes-effects-solution/ http://www.ilo.org/global/topics/child-labour/lang--en/index.htm
Why Are We Facing Water Crisis?
Image Credits
Image 1: Pixabay, Image 2: Pixabay, Image 3: Google, Image 4: Google Image 5: Pixabay , Image 6: Pixabay, Image 7: Google, Image 8: Google
Are you wondering about why we are suffering from water crisis? Well, according to the World Resource Institute (WRI), there are many reasons why this is happening. These are climate change, ground water depletion, wasting of water, natural infrastructure is being ignored, and problems in man-made water infrastructures are not given due attention.
First let us talk about the climate change. Climate change is warming of the earth’s atmosphere, and the clouds which are usually on the equator are moving towards the poles and causing the equatorial countries to have a drought or a scorching hot climate with only a few drops of rain. Another reason is the waste of water. Most people like to take a long shower, letting the water run while brushing teeth, washing utensils, and watering the plants. Even factories use a lot of water to create energy and that is also a large waste of water. The next reason is that natural infrastructures are being ignored. Healthy ecosystems are important to have a clean water supply. Sadly, many of the natural infrastructures are being destroyed by deforestation and urbanization. Many watersheds are lost because of these developments. Man-made water infrastructures are not given attention too. Example of water infrastructures are the pipes that carry the water to houses and buildings so that they can be used in the bathroom, kitchen, in the garden and for drinking. Some of these pipes are broken, leaking or very old but are not being given attention by authorities. This is one of the reasons water can’t get to its assigned area, they are wasted, thus people don’t have much to drink or use. With all these reasons I hope that the people will realize that they have to change for the better and save water for the future generations. Otherwise, there will be no more water for their children and grandchildren. All living things and the entire earth will die without water. I hope that I can begin to save water from today onwards. Source Credit: http://www.wri.org/blog/2017/08/7-reasons-were-facing-global-water-crisis Global Water Crisis One of the pressing global issue is the water crisis. The sad facts about the water crisis are in my poster above. Water is very important in everyday living. Just one day without water in my house affects all of our activities like cannot take a bath thus cannot go to school, cannot use the toilet because no water to use for flushing, cannot cook our food etc. As of now, 844 million people do not have access to safe water according to Water.org. The global bigger impacts of water problems are the loss of good opportunities, women crisis, health crisis, children and education crisis, and economic crisis.
Due to scarcity of clean water, the lost opportunities are education, work opportunities, and improved health for women, children and families across the world. These opportunities are lost because they will have to go and collect water instead of finding a job or go to school. Many fall sick as well which prevents taking any opportunity at hand. The water crisis also affects women because they are the ones who have to go out and be responsible for collecting water. It takes away their opportunity to study, work and take care of their families because their time is used in collecting water. The water crisis also affects the health. Every 90 seconds, a child dies from a water – related disease such as diarrhea according to Water.org. The education of children is also affected. The children are the ones who usually help out at home and sometimes if their mother is busy, they are the ones who go and collect water. This takes away their time from school and play. Lastly, a lot of money is wasted due to a lot of time being spent to collect water. This time could have been spent earning money to reduce poverty. |
AuthorHi! My name is Vince. I like cars and planes. I have a family dog named Kobe and a cat named Fluff-ball. Click here to know more about me. Student Blogging Challenge 2017
December 2017